China is preparing cyber attacks on US infrastructure

25-04-2024 16:19

usa vs china

The head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, has warned of possible new cyber attacks, saying that the Chinese hacking group Volt Typhoon is in a position to carry out an attack.


Ray noted that the systems targeted by the group manage critical aspects of infrastructure such as water, energy and telecommunications. He emphasized that previous attacks could have been preliminary measures before a large-scale cyberattack.


Ray also noted the possibility of using cyberattacks to influence the political situation in the United States, including elections and reactions to external events such as elections in Taiwan.


China’s Assistant Foreign Minister has dismissed his country’s connection to the Volt Typhoon group, viewing it as a criminal organization. However, some studies conducted by well-known companies such as Microsoft and Google indicate links between this group and the Chinese state.

Источник: Hi